Senin, 14 September 2009

Dota Movie - Luck No Excuse

Do you ever lose a fight when your enemies only left with 10 hp? Well, you can call him lucky.. But if you see this movies, you will call that a PRO! Luck is no Excuse! This is a really great movies by Hex0r that show you many example of PRO prediction, map awareness and teamwork. Including denying each other at the same time! I give this video 5/5! ;)

One of my favourite scene is when Axe with 100 hp surviving from Zeus, Enchantress and Centaur(Dominated Neutral Creep) by juggling in the forest. And what makes it more fantastic is that he manage to turn the table and caused Zeus to death (alone) and also kill Enchantress with the help of Lion. Enjoy!

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