Rabu, 09 September 2009

Pet Society - Level Hack

- Cheat Engine 5.5
- Firefox/Internet Explorer
- Flash Player 9


1. Open the game
2. Open Cheat Engine, select your browser from the process list. tick "HEX", 8 bytes, also scan read-only memory
3. Put 840FFF85C12A0FF2 in the hex box
4. Back to the game, play skipping rope 5 times
5. Cheat Engine, First Scan. you will get 2 addresses or more
6. Disassemble one, and you should see this line cvtsi2sd xmm0 xmm1
7. Scroll up 2 lines to find: add esp,0c
8. If you can't find it, disassemble another address and repeat steps 6 and 7
9. Select the line add esp,0c
10. Click Tools > Auto Assemble > Template > Code Injection > OK
11. Scroll down and find this line: add esp,0c
12. Press enter to create a new line. Type in mov [ebp-14],186A0
13. Press Execute > OK
14. Do NOT close any windows of cheat engine
15. Go back to Pet Society. Skip the rope 5 times and you will gain 100 000 exp

Note: 164A0 = 100.000exp, you can change it :p (if u know wat i mean ho5x)


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